Section: Software

Vercors platform

Participants : E. Madelaine, L. Henrio, A. Savu, M. Alexe.

The Vercors tools (http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/Vercors ) include front-ends for specifying the architecture and behaviour of components in the form of UML diagrams. We translate these high-level specifications, into behavioural models in various formats, and we also transform these models using abstractions. In a final step, abstract models are translated into the input format for various verification toolsets. Currently we mainly use the various analysis modules of the CADP toolset.

  • We have pursued last year experiments in distributed model-checking, and were able to generate explicit state-spaces of (sub-systems) for a new distributed use-case of several billion states. The challenges here lie in the structure of the verification workflow, and in finding strategies for separating the sub-systems in an intelligent way.

  • We have also conducted intensive experiments within the Papyrus environment, aiming at the definition of a graphical specification environment combining some of the standard UML formalisms (typically class diagrams and state-machines), with a dedicated graphical formalism for the architecture of GCM components.